Blog ✨ Statamic Threeville
News, tips, and tales from the inner pages of Statamic's dream journal.
Eleventy is a simpler static site generator.
Stepping away from Sass
My latest site redesign and why I left out Sass and media queries in favour of native CSS grid, calc, viewport units and custom properties.
Four Cool URLs
Making Future Interfaces: Algorithmic Layouts
Learn how to create CSS layouts that are self-governing, using Flexbox and Grid. *IMPORTANT:* The code at 4.02 is incomplete. You need to add `flex-basis: 0` to the `.not-sidebar` element. Combined with `flex-grow: 666` this essentially means "grow from 0 to an absurdly high proportion of the available space". Transcript (includes all the code samples):
The Flexbox Holy Albatross
New year, new GitHub: Announcing unlimited free private repos and unified Enterprise offering | The GitHub Blog
Today we’re announcing two major updates to make GitHub more accessible to developers.
Using the iPad Pro as my main computer
It’s started slowly, but the iPad has been maturing and I’ve been using it more and more as my main computer. There are limitations and issues, which I’ll come to, but I keep coming back to it as a my main design tool.
Design Better Forms – UX Collective
Common mistakes designers make and how to fix them
The Design Sprint Canvas
Even experienced facilitators can sometimes find it hard to stay on track during an intensive sprint, so we've put together the Design Sprint Canvas – a handy