Kitdesigner Beta goes live
A while ago now, Communis, Bath based accessibility company, approached me for the branding and graphic design of a website which would sell customised football team kits and leisureware. Now, four months or so down the line, the Beta for FootballKitDesigner has gone live.
There are a number of items which are yet to go live, such as online ordering and personalisation. In addition, there are a load of articles about sports kit to go on there. There’s also a load of tweaking to be done during this Beta period.
The templates were built by Communis to work on an impressive array of browsers and devices. The site also dynamically loads in different stylesheets depending on the browser width.
In addition to FootballKitDesigner, its sister site is due to go into Beta soon, where (I’m told) there will be 150 billion combinations of rugby shirts available. So, if you play rugby for a team and need a unique shirt be sure to check back for RugbyKitDesigner.
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