Drupal 7 Redesign
Last week, I flew to Boston, MA, to have a meeting with those fine folks at Acquia about a project they wanted my small design studio to look at. Today, Dries Buytaert, the founder of Drupal, announced that, together with Leisa Reichelt, we’re going to be working on improving the user experience of Drupal 7. Needless to say, we’re very, very excited to be part of this project.
From what we learned on the Drupal.org project, both in terms of process, but also some of the stumbling blocks that Drupal has, we’re confident we can make some changes that will make it easier to use for people who are new to Drupal, but also experienced users.
Leisa and I are going to be at DrupalCon DC in March. We’ll be kick-starting our research, presenting on the redesign of drupal.org, and doing a lot of listening. if you’re going please tap me on the shoulder and say hi.
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